terça-feira, 26 de agosto de 2008


There is no globalization process going on. It is over, and we are all alike throughout the world. Students are the same, they write exactly the same words. I might be the same too.

sábado, 16 de agosto de 2008

What America is About

Now I know what America is about: ontem ao sair da sala vi que todas as luzes do predio ja estavam apagadas. Tateei o corredor ate a luzinha de Exit, e fui para casa comer Thai food de pacote.

quarta-feira, 13 de agosto de 2008

Food for Thought

Two dramatic questions occupy my mind here in Pittsburgh. What should I teach? Should I buy nice kitchen utensils? I think I need nice kitchen utensils. After all, I will eat out of them for almost an entire year. There are many books on Brazil in English. I am atordoada with them, but I know that eventualy they will form a lively flow of stories, just like in my previous courses.

I was in Pittsburgh once, but it was dark and I didn't notice it much. I was in the company of friends and family, and it's them, in the end, that we remember.

I am in a country I know well, teaching about a country I know little about. The country I know little about - Brazil is not for beginners, the books say - is my country and I believe I miss it. I believe I miss it, for how can one be sure of feelings when they first arrive?